Tuesday 3 March 2015



Reference images


My idea so far:

The plot of my story involves revenge, anger and sadness. It involves Cupcakes as the main characters, one of which, the protagonist is severely swayed by her emotions of anger and distress. While animate objects are not part of my story in general, I do plan on using a little input from humans to keep my story going.

As part of my research for my story, I will be finding images of delicate teacups, which, in my story, is a throne to the protagonist. I will particularly be paying attention to the shape and design of the teacups so that they fit suitably into my story.

While I do not like the colour of this teacup, the designs in and around the tea cup are elegant, and are suitable for the use it has in the story. The designs will also help me to come up with some designs of my own.

I like the floral design on this tea cup, as it isn't too simple and is also very pretty. As well as the pattern, I like the golden details on it, especially around the top of the teacup, since it gives the design an air of elegance.

On this design I like the handle rather than the design its self. The handle is very delicate and the pattern, while simple is very pretty. The shape of the teacup is also very nice as it suits the purpose in the story very well.

With these different teacups, I am more focused on the handles, since it gives me a range of idea's and also shows me how different sized handles can also be very unique and delicate.

As part of the design of the teacup, I have also been looking into cracked teacups, and looking at how they may crack:

The reason I have looked into this is because it will help me to design something that also has a sense of realism, even though it will be in an unrealistic style.

As part of my designs, because the characters are all cupcakes, the icing, colour, decoration and casing will play a huge part in distinguishing each character and their 'status' within the story.
The protagonist, Queen Cupcake, will be distinguished by how elegant she looks, and overall, how much more appealing she looks compared to the rest of the characters, decorations are also reserved to her as they will be a symbol of nobility. Grandmother Cupcake, who's appearance is short lived, will be decorated similar to Queen Cupcake, as they are related within the story. Queen Cupcake's Soldiers will not be so heavily decorated, and compared to Queen Cupcake and Grandmother Cupcake, will be rather simple, however, they will carry candle sticks, which will either be a staff or a spear. The casing used for each character will also be a symbol of status.

The icing on this design is very pretty and elegant looking. The decorations are also very elegant and pretty

This design is very simple, however the colours are very bold and bright, which will also be a sign of status

These designs are best for my Queen Cupcake and Grandmother Cupcake designs as they are all elegant and look very difficult to perfect.

These are a much simpler design, and so will be reserved, perhaps, for Queen Cupcake's Soldiers.

This is the design I am most wanting to use for the spear/ staff design. 

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