Sunday 8 March 2015



further research into existing cartoons



 The style of Garfield is very simple, however the colours used make it bold. The focus of each cell is usually a bold colour (Garfield) while the rest of the cell is a pastel colour. There is also little change within each cell, as everything is mainly focused on the speech bubbles.

The heading of each cartoon, however, changes to correlate with the content of the cartoon in some cases, however, hardly ever seems to be in the same style.
 The cartoon focuses on humour as it's main selling point, and so this theme is shown throughout the cartoons, in character, text, actions and drawing style.
The comics are usually around 7 cells long and tell a short, entertaining story.

Cyanide and Happiness:

 Once again, the style of Cyanide and Happiness is very simple and bold. There is no background detail as there is in the Garfield comics, so all focus is drawn to the characters. The usual plot of these comics are ridiculous and humorous, and yet can also be quite twisted and dark. The text is also very simple.
These comics are also very short, ranging from 4 to 6 cells on average. A lot of the stories are told through facial expressions and body language.

My Character Analysis

Queen Cupcake: Protagonist, The character who moves everything along and who leads the story due to an incident that causes her outrage and distress.

Grandmother Cupcake: The cause for the protagonists distress and outrage. Who's appearance is short yet is key for the story to move along and happen.

Human: Plays no significant part, the antagonist, the reason for the story to take the turn that it does, brief appearance to move story along smoothly.

My intended visual style of the story is to be very simple and clear, without colour for the most part but with small amounts of colour to highlight important parts of the story. or to draw in the reader. There is little text, as the story should be able to tell its self, however, there is writing, once again, to highlight important scenes or parts of the story. My story is based on revenge due to loss, anger and sadness, and how something that may seem small and insignificant to us, in another's eyes is monumental and a cause of action.

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