Monday 20 June 2016

Generating Fine Art Ideas

Generating Fine Art Ideas

Creating a bold sign


Looking back at my earlier idea to use a bold pattern, I like the idea of creating a sign that looks different depending on where you stand, and only makes a full picture when stood in a certain place, much like the sign at the Nottingham Contemporary:

I like this because it gives some flexibility in terms of where the sign could be, and isn't a conventional sign. 

After thinking about this, I though it would be best if the sign were brightly coloured and bold, and because the sign at the Nottingham Contemporary was somewhat an illusion, the artist Bridget Riley came to mind.

Bridget Riley:

Bridget Riley is a British artist who first started studying at the royal college of art from 1952 to 1955. She first started painting figures in a semi-impressionist manner, them moved on to Pointillism, painting mainly landscapes, and in 1960's, developed her own style of Op Art.

Op Art:

Op Art, also know as Optical Art, is a style of visual art that uses optical illusions. Op Art i s abstract, with many better known pieces done in black and white. Typically, they give the viewer an impression of movement.

Another Artist that came to mind was KAWS, who's paintings are especially bold and brightly coloured, and to me, are similar to graffiti, and who also uses his own adaption of a lot of well known characters.


Brian Donnelly, professionally known as KAWS, is a New York based designer of limited edition toys and clothing. He briefly worked for Disney as a freelance animator painting backgrounds.

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