Monday 9 March 2015

Specialised Field

Alice in Wonderland: Salazem Grum and Marmoreal

Assessment brief


Section 1:
I am aiming to successfully show the juxtaposition between the two castles featured within Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland: The castle of Iracebeth within Salazem Grum and Marmoreal. In extension, the sets related to both of these locations, such as the chess board.
I will include sketches and drawings of designs I have produced by looking at the buildings shows within the films, as well as architecture and designs that I myself will look at, photograph and incorporate. My overall aim is to produce something that will inevitably show the juxtaposition of Dark and Light.
To start with, I will carefully analyse different aspects of the two main locations and pick out anything about them that I feel show the juxtaposition I want to show by the end of this project, as well as any other aspects within the film that I feel will help project the dark and the light within it.
By the end of this project I will have created numerous sketches and designs as well as my own reconstructed models of both The Castle of Iracebeth and Marmoreal that successfully show the juxtaposition of Light and Dark.


Salazem Grum
Castle of Iracebeth

The Chessboard

Section 2:

To help me complete this project I will be looking at various different buildings and the aspects of buildings that I will be able to tie into the designs I will compile and create. This will then help me progress in my reconstruction of  The Castle of Iracebeth, Marmoreal and The Chessboard. I will also research into blue printing, Architectual drawings  and Designers to extend my project further. As well as looking at actual buildings, I will also look at buildings, particularly castles, within films to get a broad range of styling that I can then experiment with and incorporate. Looking at different architecture throughout different countries will also be vital.

Neuschwanstein Castle

Mont Saint Michel

Prague Castle
Czech Republic

Windsor Castle
Castle Howard
Corfe Castle
Chateau De Chambord
Castillo de Coca
Kronborg Castle
Catherine Palace

Hogwarts Castle
Harry Potter

Sleeping Beauty's Castle
Minas Tirith
Lord of the Rings

The imaginaruium of doctor parnassus

The Big Atures in Lord of the Rings

Harry potter world

Source 3:

Throughout this project I will have multiple sketches and idea's that will show the development of my work as well as small models of aspects of the design using multiple media such as wire, clay and cardboard. I will also create some graphical sketches on Photoshop using a drawing tablet. This will also allow me to test the materials for suitability and will then help me come to a conclusion upon which media I shall use. The sketches and the small models will then be put together to create an overall piece.

Section 4:


As part of experimenting, I intend to use polystyrene and mod rock to create small models of buildings, as a way to experiment with media that will eventually link towards my final idea.

I will be using the polystyrene to make a 3D model by slotting pieces together that will then be covered in mod rock so as to strengthen it, and will be including detail when putting together the polystyrene.

I will be looking at the covering of cake dummies, as it is similar to my idea

Covering polystyrene cake dummies

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